This is REWILD's five-part animated series on Rangers, narrated by Edward Norton. Rangers are the frontline workers of our planet. Find out why it’s important to invest in a Global Ranger Action plan to ensure that Rangers have what they need to protect natural resources, strengthen communities, ensure equality and equity in the field, and support wildlife conservation. We need the #wild. We need #Rangers. Show them your support! Join the global #RangersDeserveMore movement, in partnership with the Universal Ranger Support Alliance (URSA), @rewild, @wildlifeleaders, and @swbgconservationfund.
Animation & Design was created by Kari Pieterse & Margaret To
Voice & Narration was by Edward Norton
Audio, Music & Sound Effects was by Tomas Wischerath
Visual Treatment
With this digital collage style, we want to capture the essence of rangers — their critical work, multiple roles, and gender and ethnic diversity — through real-life photography. The warm, vibrant geometric shapes and cutout elements help make the story more personable and demonstrate the issue in a positive way. We also aim to help our audience understand the stats and economic impact of rangers through graphical data visualization.
Rough Styleframes
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